Academic offerings include 95 majors, 86 minors, and more than 100 in-major specializations
Academic offerings include 95 majors, 86 minors, and more than 100 in-major specializations
Terms & condition for grant of permission to conducting regular training classes of the prescribed courses offered by All India Para Medical Faculty Foundation,Delhi are as under Every application seeking for affiliation of an Institution/ College shall be make in written sign by the Head of the Institution or Chairman /secretary of the Society applied (Means applicant society), to the Director All India Para Medical Faculty Foundation , Delhi. The applicant should remit the inspection fee, registration fee and Affiliation fee as prescribed in booklet. Which will be neither refundable nor adjustable in any circumstances or situation.
Seeking affiliation should be applied on prescribed application form available from Head Office for Rs. 250/- only by Depositing in the Account No. Provided by "the Director ,All India Para Medical Faculty Foundation ,".
After receiving duly field application form All India Para Medical Faculty Foundation, will decide to proceed for the affiliation any institute in any city of any state of India as a training center for prescribed course/courses.
A declaration from applicant's society/institution has to be submitted with application to institute run for the research and development of IT, Vocational, Paramedical .Electro-Homeopath, Naturopath, Alternative Medicine.
The following information may be submitted with application (along with documents) :-
??? A short history of the institutions indicating the period of education work, constitution of governing body with the list of members (Name & Address) and financial background.
??? Details of the course/courses of Training in which the applicant's society shall import education.
??? The building of Institute is of its own or rented, if rented a receipt and rent agreement from the house owner to be attached.
??? A list of teachers and supervisory staff with their qualifications.
??? A rough map of the building with dimensions of classrooms, office and laboratories. Brief account of Library, Hostel, Health Care, Curricular facilities etc.
??? Details of Laboratory including equipment's, instruments and other material for Practical Training.
??? Details about the sources of specimen required to run practical classes in various courses.
The Director /Chairman on behalf of managing committee of Director All India Para Medical Faculty Foundation , appoint an inspection team to visit the premises of the institute for physical verification. It will submit a report to the Director /Chairman of the board.
The affiliation may be granted for a permanent or temporary specific duration and extension of time may be granted on the recommendation of the inspection team of the Faculty.
After having completed all the above formalities the below charges shall be deposited in the office by Cash or Bank Account in favor of All India Para Medical Faculty Foundation ,as security. Institute at the time of having affiliation.
Registration charges Rs. 15,000/-
Inspection charges Rs. 15,000/.
Renewal of affiliation fee Rs. 10000/ -
NOTE : All India Para Medical Faculty Foundation ,can modify or amend these Terms & Conditions and Charges from time to time as per need without any prior notice.
??? The building of the Institute should be pollution free, lighted and airy.
??? The building should have necessary accommodation expect Principal's office.
??? Dispensary & Testing Labs on charitable basis is necessary.
??? Principal qualification Graduation/Post Graduation as like Deportment(Science, Art ,Naturopath, IT, Food ,Law ,Human right etc .
??? All Principal and Clerk Offices & Classrooms should have furnished with furniture along with documents & stationary, Black Boards, etc.
??? The College/Institute should have libraries for use of staff and students.
??? There should be sufficient large class rooms to accommodate all sections or classes and laboratories for Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology with adequate equipment and apparatus for the teaching.
a-Class room -200sq.ft. Minimum Requirement for 20 Students/Trainees / Course .
b- Laboratory /Workshop - 300 sq.ft Minimum Requirement for 20 Students/Trainees Per Course .
c- Administration -100 sq.ft Minimum Requirement .
d- Library -100 sq.ft Minimum Requirement .
e - Staff Room -50 sq.ft Minimum Requirement .
f- Toilet - 40 sq.ft. Minimum Requirement . Separate toilet for men & women )
Arrangement of drinking water and good supply of electricity in laboratory, toilet etc.
??? Meeting book, staff attendance register, student attendance register, admission register, letter receipt and dispatch register, payment register, forms of applications for admission, prospectus, identity cards and other necessary registers files and papers.
fee Rs.1200/- shall be realized by the Board from each student of First
Year .But second/final year each student pay to fee Rs. 1000/- favor in All India Paramedical Faculty Foundation.
Examination fee Rs. 550/- shall be realized by the Board from each student who wish to
appear in Foundation
Student registration fee (AIPMFF)
Rs. 2000/- (Three thousand only) life time.
The amendment to this effect shall be made at any time without any
prior notice, which is always to be acceptable. Which will be neither
refundable nor adjustable in any circumstances or situation
All India Paramedical Faculty Foundation
Corp. Off. :- Nagram, Mohanlalganj Lucknow - 226303(U.P.) India
Azadpur , Delhi 110033
Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.